Application Process

AIW programs begin on specific dates. We recommend that you apply at least 4 to 6 months in advance due to international visa- and travel-related factors.

  • First, Inquire online.

  • We will contact you shortly after receiving your inquiry, answer any questions you may have, and assist you with your application.

  • A key aspect of your application is ensuring your qualification to participate. To complete your application, please send a link to, or email the following documents to

    • Your cover letter, describing your qualifications and explaining why you want AIW to consider you for the program (in Word format)

    • Your Resume (in Word format)

    • A Color copy of passport or drivers license (this can be provided at a later date upon being accepted for participation)

    • Color copy of student ID

    • Academic transcript (official or unofficial)

    • One signed letter of reference from a chef instructor or employer

  • The "Training Agreement": Once accepted into the program, we will coordinate your "Training Agreement" between yourself, the host company and your school or University official. The Trainee Agreement is required to document and demonstrate the validity of your internship for authorization by the immigration authorities in the country in which you will do your training.

  • Upon final approval, AIW takes care of arranging your program activities and internship placement.